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Tool package for neutron time of flight analysis

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Jupyter Notebooks

Example jupyter notebooks of how to process the data can be found in “jupyter_notebooks/”.

Strain mapping demo

This notebook shows an example of additively manufactured cubes treated with laser shock peening. The surface treatment has the effect of reducing the tensile residual stress (positive strain) and turning into compressive (negative strain). The example shows how to load and prepare the data, further applying a moving average and fitting the (111) Bragg edge at 4.1Å with both the edge profile advanced method and the gaussian method.

The dataset is not provided but can be requested via mail at

Phase mapping demo

This notebook shows an example of an additively manufactured cruciform sample treated with bi-axial load path change. The treatment induce phase transformation from FCC (-γ) to BCC (-α) crystal structure. The example shows how to load and prepare the data and perform the fitting of the ratio of the two crystalline phases.

The dataset is not provided but can be requested via mail at