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Tool package for neutron time of flight analysis

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The package can be installed via pip using the command:

pip install tofimaging

Then the modules can be imported using e.g. the commands:

import tofimaging.EdgeFitting as efit
import tofimaging.PhaseFitting as pfit
import tofimaging.ReductionTools as rt

These are the three modules which are used for edge fitting, crystallographic phase fitting and tools for data reduction/normalization respectively. To inspect the list with input and outputs of the fitting fuction please consult the respective pages, for examples of how to use them for data please inspect the Jupiter Notebooks

Alternatively, the package can be cloned via git or downloaded from the website to the local machine, then loaded by the commands:

import sys  
sys.path.insert(0, "path-to-repository\\src")
import tofimaging.EdgeFitting as efit
import tofimaging.PhaseFitting as pfit
import tofimaging.ReductionTools as rt

Make sure to update the “path-to-repository” with the path to this downloaded package in the local machine and appending the “\src” as shown. This procedure, may require further installation of external modules, listed in requirements.txt

How to Use

The functions can inspected in the documentation and called in the command prompt or jupyter notebook. E.g. if you installed using the above:

import tofimaging.EdgeFitting as efit